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Shining the light on Seeds of innovation


Shining the light on Seeds of innovation

We carry forward the corporate philosophy of S&S Tech Co., Ltd. Our mission is to discover and nurture promising companies across various industries, including the domestic and international materials, parts, and equipment sectors. By fostering mutual growth with our investors, we aim to contribute to the creation of a virtuous ecosystem for new technology businesses.

In addition, our advisory team consists of top-tier experts with extensive experience and networks in the venture and new technology investment industries, as well as academia. They will play a key role in identifying investment opportunities, enhancing value, and managing exits, providing support across all stages of the investment process.

Building on this foundation, we focus on specialized investment areas such as semiconductors, displays, and biotechnology. We also identify, evaluate, and manage investment opportunities across global markets, including the United States, Southeast Asia, and India. Through these efforts, we aim to achieve successful investment returns.

About Us

We invest in technology and vision to create a better future




Accumulated AUM (KRW 100 million)


Active Funds


Aggregate Portfolio Companies


Accumulated Distribution (KRW 100 million)


Since registering as an FSS licensed company in July 2021, we have invested in over 50 promising companies across a wide range of industries, including semiconductors, AI, and energy.


Partner Organizations


최근 당사 및 당사 임직원을 사칭하는 사례가 발생하고 있습니다.
(예시: 제휴 업체를 통한 상품 가입 권유, 당사 임직원이 개별 투자에 대한 지급보증)

저희 에스앤에스인베스트먼트 임직원은 어떠한 형태로도 개인에게 직접 또는 간접적인 투자 상담 및 권유 등을 하지 않고 있으며, 투자와 관련된 소셜플랫폼 채널(카카오톡, 텔레그램 등)을 운영하지 않습니다.
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